• Building Relationships Quickly!
    using a timer to ensure swiftness, efficience & add a little fun! 

  • Every member has two 30-second spots to:

    • introduce themselves, their business/organization  
    • share job openings, any needs, upcoming promotions/events 
    • share testimonials for others 

    By reservation, 3 members may have a 3-minute spotlight to share their business

  • Register to Attend by Clicking the Date

    Sept 7 Oct 5 Nov 2 Dec 7

  • This is a members-only event.  (Guests may attend one-time)

    If you're a member and would like to reserve a 3-minute spotlight
    or if you would like to attend as a guest, please call the office at 860.388.3266
    or email  info@oldsaybrookchamber.com 


  • When?  Every 1st Thursday 8am - 9am

    Where? Vicki Duffy Pavilion, College St, OS