• Sponsorship Opportunities


  • Chamber Meetings

  • First Thursday Business Connections

    • Monthly Meetings: An opportunity for members to network with others in a fast-paced roundtable session. Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at 8am-9am located at the Vicky Duffy Pavilion in Old Saybrook. 

    Year-Long Sponsor: $1,000

    • Company logo and link on website

    • Option to distribute materials at meetings

    • Company logo on FTBC signage

    • Mentions in all FTBC social media and advertising

    Non Profit Resource Council

    Monthly Meetings:  The Non-Profit Resource Council is an initiative of the OSCC providing Nonprofit members opportunities to connect and problem solve with non-profit leaders. The monthly morning meeting provides access to educational programs on critical issues facing non-profits today.

    Year-Long Sponsor: $1,000

    • Company logo and link on website
    • Option to distribute materials at meetings
    • Company logo on NPRC signage
    • Mentions in all NPRC social media and advertising

    Women in Business

    Monthly Events: A collaborative initiative for women in business- providing monthly luncheons educating women in leadership, development, mentoring and networking. 

    Year-Long Sponsor: $1,000

    • Company logo and link on website

    • Option to distribute materials at meetings

    • Company logo on WIB signage

    • Mentions in all WIB social media and advertising

    Chamber Connections

    Monthly Meetings: Business after hours meetings hosted by members providing a time to meet current and new members every third Thursday of each month. The host will have the opportunity to showcase their business, whether it's a new product or service, or even a new location.


    Other opportunities include sponsoring refreshments or hosting meetings like First Thursday Business Connections, Chamber Connections, and Women in Business meetings.